What is Thalassaemia?
Thalassaemia Major
What is Thalassaemia Trait?
Alpha Thalassaemia
Beta Thalassaemia
Who Carries the Thalassaemia Trait?
Thalassaemia Trait Testing
Prenatal Testing for Thalassaemia
In beta Thalassaemia trait, one of the two genes is abnormal but the lack of beta protein is not great enough to cause problems in the normal functioning of the hemoglobin

People do not produce enough beta protein have beta Thalassaemia. It is found in people of Mediterranean descent such as Italians and Greeks, and is also found in the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Africa, Southeast Asia and Southern china.

Beta globin is made by two genes, one on each chromosome 11. Individuals who have one abnormal beta globin gene have beta Thalassaemia trait.


In beta Thalassaemia trait, one of the two genes is abnormal but the lack of beta protein is not great enough to cause problems in the normal functioning of the hemoglobin. A person with this condition simply carries the genetic trait for beta thalassemia and will usually experience no health problems other than a mild anemia.

As in alpha thalassemia minor, physicians often mistake the small red blood cells of the person with beta thalassemia minor as a sign of iron- deficiency anemia and incorrectly prescribe iron supplements.

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